Assignment #1

Riley Dockendorff
Landscape Architecture, 3rd Year

i. What prior experience with digital technology have you had?  List: software applications and levels of proficiency
I have used Autocad in high school and I took two classes learning and using the software. I also use Revit along with 3d max and animation in high school as well, but I didn't use these programs as much as I did with Autocad. 
ii. Describe your comfort level with computing generally, and with the software programs:
InDesign: I have used InDesign and most of the Adobe programs in the landscape architecture program. Most of our projects require us to use these programs heavily throughout the year. I haven't mastered these programs, but I know mostly everything about them. 
Google Earth Pro: I am pretty comfortable with Google Earth Pro, I have used it a lot for researching projects. I used this program to make maps and display demographics for a site.
Rhino: I have never used Rhino before
Rhino-Grasshopper: I have not used this program before
Processing programming environment: I don't even know what this is
Lumion Pro: I haven't used this program before
iii.  What are your goals and expectations for this course?
My goals for this class are to be able to use this programs for my projects and hopefully they will help me when I enter the career field as well. I am expecting to be able to use these programs efficiently to help improve the overall qualities of my posters and digital media. 


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